Sep 26 2024
Job Description


Please apply directly on the RCUH website to be considered for the position.





CLOSING DATE:  October 14, 2024, or until filled. Applications received after this deadline may be considered only if the position is not filled or up to the date a selection has been approved by the RCUH (whichever comes first). INQUIRIES:  Stephen Rossiter 808-341-4314 (Kauai). 


Regular, Full-Time, RCUH Non-Civil Service positionwiththePacificCooperativeStudiesU​nit(PCSU),performingprojecttasksonland controlled by the U.S. Navy, located at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF),  inKekaha,Kaua‘i.Continuationofemploym​entisdependentuponprogram/operational needs, satisfactory work performance, availability of funds,and compliance withapplicable Federal/Statelaws.


MONTHLY SALARY:  $4,703/Mon. 


DUTIES:  Manages all aspects of the nursery including seed collection, seed storage, propagation, pest management (including sanitation), and nursery plant inventory. Plans and oversees all greenhouse/nursery routine maintenance, repair, and improvements. Manages seed collection database and inventory. Propagates and maintains plants and propagules in nursery and prepares for outplanting to field sites. Develops and implements horticultural protocols for the cultivation of plants native to Kaua‘i, including the application of appropriate integrated pest  management techniques, irrigation, fertilization, and greenhouse/nursery sanitization. Surveys various selected sites for incipient plants (native and alien species) with Global Positioning Systems (GPS); downloads data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database for trend analysis. Monitors native Hawaiian plants (in situ & ex situ), through installation of photo-points, rare plant field surveys, and outplant survival monitoring in management areas. Drives project vehicles to access field sites. Implements restoration strategies and monitoring protocols for restoration within the INRMP management areas. Conducts analysis of common and rare (threatened and endangered) plant populations, seed collection areas, and establish high priority restoration management areas. Responds to reports of injured wildlife, potentially outside of core working hours.  Responsible for inventory control of equipment as well as the repair and maintenance of tools and equipment, facilities, and communication systems. Compiles field data into the database, designs maps of project areas and target species for field activities, reports, and presentations. 





Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited four (4) yearcollegeoruniversityin Botany, BiologicalSciences,NaturalResourceManagem​ent, EnvironmentalScience, orarelatedfield. (Associate’s Degree from an accredited community college in related field and an additional two (2) years of equivalent work or field experience in management of Hawaiian flora, or an additional five (5) years of equivalent work or field experience in management of Hawaiian flora may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.).


Two to four (2-4) years of experience working in the field of plant propagation for horticultural industries or botanical conservation, botany, natural resources, or related field. Experience needs to be well-documented (include dates and hours per week) paid, andacquired under the employment of an academic institution, governmentalagency,privatecompany,ornon-p​rofitorganizationintheappropriatefield.


Knowledge of native Hawaiian flora including threatened and endangered species and restoration techniques for native plants. Good working knowledge of common weedy species in Hawai`i. In-depth knowledge of Hawaiian biota and threats from alien species. Working knowledge of plant propagation in a nursery or greenhouse, and integrated pest management practices. Basic knowledge of principles of plant propagation, plant biology, nutrition and physiology, environmental physiology and ecology, soil science, applied chemistry, plant pathology and entomology. Basic knowledge of irrigation operation, construction and repair, pest symptoms, identification and control, safe application of pesticides and their regulation, and fertilizer application. Working knowledge of restoration or outplanting, and weed control techniques. Knowledge of field survey and sampling techniques, data analysis, and report presentation.   


Ability to identify native and non-native plants in Hawai‘i. AbilitytoidentifycommonplantspeciesinHawa​i‘i, including agriculturalandlandscapeplants androadsideweeds. Ability to use, collect and prepare botanicalreferenceand herbariumspecimenstoidentify unknown plants. Basic plumbing and electrical skills (for irrigation systems). Ability to apply pesticides safely. Ability to work well in a team setting, as well as workindependently on tasks. Must be able to maintain a positive professionalattitude in support of a productive work environment. Must have good oraland written communication skills. Ability to take good field notes and record biological data with a global positioning system (GPS). Ability to use word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and mapping software programs. Must be able to obtain State of Hawai‘i Certification for Application of Restricted Use Pesticides within six (6) months from date of hire and maintain throughout duration of employment. Mustpossess a  validdriver’slicense(andifuseofpersonal​vehicleonthejobisrequired,mustalsohaveval​idpersonaldriver’sinsuranceequivalentto​Hawai‘i’sNo-FaultDriver’sInsurance)​andmaintainthroughoutthedurationofemploym​ent. PostOffer/EmploymentCondition:Mustbeablet​opassapostoffercriminal backgroundcheck and security clearanceforemploymentasaNavyContractor. Applicants selected will be subject to a Government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to unclassified information.Mustpossessthe  American Red Cross Certification in First Aid/CPR (or be able to obtain thecertificate following the training provided within three (3) months from dateof hire) and maintain throughout duration of employment. Must completetheonlineHazardCommunicationtrain​ingimmediatelyafterhireornolaterthanemplo​yee’sinitialexposure tohazardouschemicals.


Ablility and willingness to work in hot outdoor environments for extended periods of time. Ability to backpack,lift, andcarry uptofifty (50)pounds unassisted. Abilitytoconductworkunderstrenuous outdoor conditions (e.g., extreme weather, thick brush, steepterrain)onasecuredmilitarybase.


As a condition of employment, employee will be subject to all applicable RCUH policies, procedures, and trainings and, as applicable, subject to University of Hawai‘i's and/or business entity's policies, procedures, and trainings.  Violation of RCUH's, UH's, or business entity's policies and/or procedures or applicable State or Federal laws and/or regulations may lead to disciplinary action (including, but not limited to possible termination of employment, personal fines, civil and/or criminal penalties, etc.). 


Requires: For a full list of requirements and to apply, please visit us at https://www.rcuh.com/work/careers/