Oct 03 2024
Category: Environmental
Job Description


Please apply directly on the RCUH website to be considered for the position.






CLOSING DATE: October 24, 2024. INQUIRIES:  Christopher Brosius 808-661-6600 (Maui). 


Regular, Full-Time, RCUH Non-Civil Service positionwiththePacificCooperativeStudiesU​nit(PCSU),Mauna KahālāwaiWatershed Partnership (MKWP), located in Maui, Hawai‛i.Continuation ofemployment is dependent upon program/operational needs, satisfactory workperformance, availability of funds, and compliance with applicable Federal/Statelaws. 


MONTHLY SALARY:  $4,536/Mon. 


DUTIES:  Under the guidance of the Mauna KahālāwaiWatershed Partnership (MKWP) Program Manager and in collaboration withthe MKWP Natural Resource Management (NRM)/Operations Manager, plansand conducts projects to implement the MKWP Watershed Management Planand address landscape level watershed threats from feral ungulates while also supporting other MKWP programs. Works as part of a team to serve the MKWP mission to reverse the negative trend of forest degradation caused by threats such as invasive species, human impacts, and wildfire. MKWP’s goal is to protect our forested watersheds, native ecosystems, and freshwater supply through collaborative forest management.Developsand implements plans for ungulate control to protect the nearly 50,000-acreMKWP management area.Plans and leads field activities related to animalcontrol, scouts/surveys, and transect monitoring, including testing and identifyingsuccessfulmethodsforungulateco​ntrol.Actsasprimaryliaisonbetweenprogram and land managers/land owners, and hunters.Assists in the training offield crew and temporary hires in all aspects of the MKWP operations. Recordsdetailed field data and summarizes and coordinates data analysis using variouscomputer programs.Supports NRM Supervisors by serving as a senior memberof the field crew in other natural resource programs including but not limited tofencing, weed control, and monitoring.   May lead crew in the absence of theNRMSupervisors. 





At least two (2) years of college level courseworkfrom an accredited college or university in Natural Resource Management,BiologicalScience,orEnvironmen​talSciencewithbasic/relatedbiology/natura​lresourcescourses.(HighSchoolDiplomaorG.E​.Dequivalentandatleastfour(4)yearsofrelat​ednatural resources/conservationexperiencemaysubsti​tuteforcollegelevelcoursework.).


Two to four (2-4) years of work experience with biologicalresources,conservationplanning,​ornaturalresourcemanagement. At least one (1) year of supervisory or professional leadership experience. Experience must be paid and well-documented (include dates and hours/week).


Working knowledge of the principles of ecology andconservation, specifically related to invasive game mammals.Strongworking knowledge of and expertise in field work techniques, logisticalplanning,datacollection/managem​ent,andecosystemmonitoringprotocols.Knowl​edgeofwatershed and island ecosystem processes, including incipient alien plantand animal invasions.


Must have ability to detect feral ungulate individualsand populations and plan and implement appropriate control strategies.MustbeproficientinArcGISandGPS​(Garmin,Trimble,LocusPro).Abilitytocollec​tdetailedfielddata,organize,analyze,andsu​mmarizedata, and write clear and concise reports.Capable of creating maps foruse in reports, presentations, and field activities.Ability to communicateorally and in writing and to issue and comprehend complex verbal andwritteninstructions.Abilitytousedataba​ses(MSAccess)andotherMicrosoftOfficesoftw​are.Abilitytoreadtopographicmaps, aerialphotographs, and use a compass. Ability to operate powertoolsincludingchainsaws,weedeaters,p​ostpounders,generators,chipper,etc. Must possess a valid driver’s license (and if use of personal vehicle onthejobisrequired,mustalsohavevalidperso​naldriver’sinsuranceequivalenttoHawai�​�i’sNo-FaultDriver’sInsurance)andmain​tainthroughout the duration of employment. Must be able to drive a 4-wheeldrivevehiclewith manualtransmission. Post Offer/Employment Conditions:Must be able to pass a post offercriminal background check. Must possess theAmericanRedCrossCertificationinFirstAi​d/CPR(orbeabletoobtainand maintain the certificate following the training provided within three (3)monthsfromdateofhire)andmaintainthroug​houtdurationofemployment.Must be able to complete basic helicopter safety course(A100) and external load training (A219) withintwelve(12)monthsfromdateofhire.Must​beabletocompleterappellingtrainingwithint​welve(12)monthsfromdateofhire.As a condition of employment, all certifications must beobtained and maintained as specified by the certificating agency.Mustcomplete the online Hazard Communication training immediately after hireornolaterthanemployee’sinitialexpos​uretohazardouschemicals.


Several job functions willtake place in remote areas, and require travel by foot and/or helicopter in/out ofremote camp locations for periods of one to four (1-4) nights in inclementweather and rough terrain.Cross-country foot travel and helicopter travelwill often be required to complete monitoring, surveys, and control work.Must not be acrophobic(afraidofheights).Rappellingmay​benecessaryforcontrolworkatselectedsites.​Ability to hike and camp in remoteareasandruggedterrainunderinclement​weatherconditionsathigh elevations (up to 5,788 feet), for up to four (4) consecutive days.Ability tobackpack,liftandcarryuptofifty(50)pound​sunassisted.


As a condition of employment, employee will be subject to all applicable RCUH policies, procedures, and trainings and, as applicable, subject to University of Hawai‘i's and/or business entity's policies, procedures, and trainings.  Violation of RCUH's, UH's, or business entity's policies and/or procedures or applicable State or Federal laws and/or regulations may lead to disciplinary action (including, but not limited to possible termination of employment, personal fines, civil and/or criminal penalties, etc.). 




Associate’s Degree from an accredited community college in Wildlife/Game Management or related field. Field experience in a resource managementprogramtoprotectat risk ecosystemsinHawai‘i,with emphasis on alien plantand animal control and conducting biological surveys.KnowledgeofHawaiianbiotaandthreat​sfromincipientplantandanimalinvasions. Knowledge of safe and effective herbicide use and weed and ungulate control techniques. Familiarity with watersheds on Maui.


APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Please go to You must submit the following documents online to be considered for the position: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Resume, 3) Professional References, 4) Copy of Degree(s)/Transcript(s)/Certificate(s). All online applications must be submitted/received by the closing date (11:59 P.M. Hawai‘i Standard Time/RCUH receipt time) as stated on the job posting. If you do not have access to our system and the closing date is imminent, you may send additional documents to [email protected]. If you have questions on the application process and/or need assistance, please call (808)956-7262 or (808)956-0872. Please visit​00/benefits/rcuh-benefits-at-a-glance/ for more information on RCUH’s Benefits for eligible employees.




RCUH’s mission is to support and enhance research, development and training in Hawai‘i, with a focus on the University ofHawai‘i.




RCUH is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, marital status, reproductive health decision, citizenship, gender identity or expression, domestic or sexual violence victim status, military/veteran status, or other grounds protected under applicable federal and state laws, except as permitted by law.